August 8/1 - 8/30

Bring your whole self into the world —




How - you might be wondering?

Safety is created when you’re anchored by self-trust.

Self trust is the foundation of your infinite expression, feminine sensuality and sizzling confidence.

In HOT SELF SUMMER, you’ll learn the essential tools of self-trust that holistically takes into account your mind, body & soul.

So you can be in your fullest expression & ALL that you are ❤️‍🔥

Your deeper desires:

You want to feel grounded as you peel away the layers of your protective mask, as you shed the skin of the past “good girl”, as you venture out into the world in being seen for your brilliance and sensuality.

You wanna be seen.

You wanna be expressed.

You wanna bring world-changing ideas to life that is YOU.

After all these years of silencing yourself & fitting into boxes, you wanna sound like you.

And that is HOT 😮🔥


Having this desire of putting yourself at the forefront is already SUCH A BIG DEAL 👏👏👏 because as Asian American women, we were taught to keep quiet as children, stay small & cover up our growing bodies as adolescents, and follow the grain as adults.

To go inwards towards the self, reclaim what is yours, and create a whole new path for yourself and generations after you…


You & I both recognize that this is not to be taken lightly. 

Breaking generational chains, rewiring thousands of years of beliefs and being a trailblazer equates to lots of changes happening in your life.

Which is why this program is dedicated to ROOTING yourself. Especially through the storms of your own thoughts & chatters of others.

Self-trust is that root. 

Self trust is the ability to trust yourself even when there’s naysayers.

Self trust is the loving compassion that you can spare yourself when you make mistakes.

Self trust is the safety that you can always rely on for the full self-expression that you crave, because it comes steadfastly from within.

And the best news yet - self-trust is a muscle that can be rebuilt up 💪 

Like its namesake, self-trust requires puts yourself at its center.

In HOT SELF SUMMER, we shift the paradigms of mind, body & soul back to YOU.

All spectrums are welcomed here - some of you may want to share a glimpse of your inner soul with close ones & some of you may want to dance naked in front of a big festival crowd.

This program facilitates both ;)

The range of who this is for:

  • The quiet one with the girl next door image who secretly has her own stash of naked self- love photos and erotic life - that she now wants to share a glimpse of that with the world.

    Because she knows how powerful the feminine essence is and she WANTS to be seen in that & own it now. She’s deeply curious about it all and wants to fully unshame her shadows 🤓💦

  • The repressed siren & recovering people-pleaser who grew up having their self-confidence broken down and having their innate sensuality toned down. The one who’s used to bending to others’ expectations, but is now ready to unleash her captivating voice & play BIG. 

    And not just on a surface level, but going deep and building it back up on every level to sound like HER (in biz, life, love, you name it) 🧜‍♀️📣

  • The tenacious explorer who learned to overly rely on her masculine energy for protection & professionalism. And now recognizes getting in touch with her divine feminine side is the missing piece to getting back to balance.

    She’s the one who’s traveled across worlds and now wants to explore & deepen her trust with her own body & the cosmic eros 🌎❤️‍🔥

  • The overthinking student who excels at gathering more information, and now finally want to apply & EMBODY it. She feels stifled right now - and life is pulling her to get more intimate with herself.

    The one who just wants permission to experiment with different part of them selves (hellooo bad girl, eclectic weirdo, rich goddess and so much moreeee) because deep down, they know the possibilities may feel scary but SO worth it 💃🏻🔮

  • The doubtful self who is no longer waiting for the “one day” because that day is NOW. She’s over questioning herself all the time & mistrusting her intuition because deep down, she knows that her own way is always the truth. 

    She’s ready to see the potentness that is HER and settle into her inner grounded SELF energy 💋🧘🏾

    In essence, this is for the soulful creatrix in all of us.

Multifaceted soul, I’ve got you 🌹💎

I’m Yunzhe.

Holistic business coach, somatic facilitator, multi-potentialite artist.

And most importantly - your guide for this sacred container.

That hidden file of spicy photos? I have it too ;)

And I’ve had it for a while (*ahem* literally half a decade) before finally surfacing them. NO ONE even knew did pole dancing for years - it was my “dirty” little secret & I prided myself on having such a hot intimate love life, without anyone knowing.

Beneath that secretive smile though was a deeply rooted shame around my body & fear of being seen in my sensual nature as an Asian American woman.

As I did the inner work to get to know myself and unraveled the layers of shame, it was such a relief discovering that I had done nothing wrong. And that there was nothing wrong with ME.

My curious fantasies weren’t wrong.

My blossoming body wasn’t wrong.

My carnal desires weren’t wrong.

As I shifted my focus inwards, I learned to build a strong foundation of self-trust that made self-expression & feeling safe in my nervous system so much easier. 

In biz, in love, in life - self trust is how I’ve been able to: 

  • Start my own biz after getting rejected from biz school, melt the traditional rules to mold it to my own values, pivot multiple (scary) times in my biz career as I evolved, and build a multi-6 figure business with full devotion amidst all zero revenue months & 5 year journey to create 100K

  • Believe that I was deserving of a fairytale relationship, repair attachment ruptures & romance myself with unconditional love first to receive the fullness of my soulmate partner 

  • Design a life filled with art, movement and wonder as I travel around the world & across US national parks in a converted (and self-designed!) van

And I support you to do the same - in YOUR OWN WAY.

The process:

Over the next month, you’ll develop delicious intimacy with yourself, through reconnecting (i.e. getting to know yourself better), exploring (i.e. experimenting with different sides of you) and integrating (i.e. practicing what you’ve learned & unearthed)

Self-trust is created through relationship with yourself. 

You’ll connect to yourself through the three portals 

  1. 🪞 Mind

  2. 🪞 Body

  3. 🪞 Soul

So that self-trust is infused into every piece of your being - for FULL BODY alignment & a foundation that will enable you to be WILDLY EXPRESSIVE.

The curriculum: 4 expansive weeks

Each week, we’ll shift from the traditional way to a new way of being that’s more in rhythm with you, the earth & feminine cycles:

Here’s to incorporating patterns that are more natural for you:

  • You’ll learn the tools to gain awareness of your mind - why you do the things you do, how it affects you & how to allow / manage your thoughts without judgement <3

    Here is where you’ll experience shifting from constantly gathering MORE (i.e. more info is better!) to sitting with the enoughness & magick that is already in the now 

    The intention of this week is to envelope yourself with acceptance and create a solid grounded clearing for your multi-expressions to come forth.

  • You’ll learn how to get in touch with your body and let your body move you in the expressions that want to unfold. As well as how to safely expand your capacity to take up more space AND how to leave & prune the parts that no longer feel like you.

    Here is where you’ll experience shifting from DOing and overriding to BEing and listening (also essential practice for your nervous system as you express more!)

    The intention of this week is to create a potent - and safe space for your wilddd expressions.

  • You’ll learn how to differentiate between your soul desires & temporary desires, have conversations with the soul of your life, biz, offerings, etc., and TRUST the messages coming from your intuition.

    Here is where you’ll experience shifting from going outward for permission to inward for your own validation & path

    The intention of this week is to gently experiment with sharing your bare soul - at your own pace, allowing your creations to blossom and grounding deeper in your own self-trust.

  • You’ll learn how to bring your self-expression to all areas of your life, whether it’s with clients, partners, etc.

    Here is where you’ll experience shifting from being a student to being the CEO of own life as you make decisions, get feedback and redesign your own expressive paths.

    The intention of this week is to embody & solidify your self trust through application & practice.


  • 4 weekly 1:1 private coaching sessions (60 mins each)

  • 4 weekly foundational module lessons (one week each for mind, body, soul & integration)

  • Personalized feedback & group community support in Telegram (yes, you’ll be on this journey with other Asian American women!)

This is incredible value for $1111


Loving yourself fiercely,

Backing yourself thoroughly,

& expressing yourself unapologetically.

Where you deepen into the most outrageous,

most wild, full spectrum expression of YOU.

SELF is the foundation & center of everything that you desire.

Want a biz that sounds like you? Come back to self.

Want to know the answers? Go within yourself.

Want to do all the things you dream of? Trust yourself.


an alchemy space to guide you on your journey of remembrance back to your expressive SELF.

Begins August 1st.